Race Saver Bag: 1, Ohio 70.3: 0

150 150 Patrick

One of our favorite things to do is read feedback from our amazing and super good looking customers. Here’s a dispatch from Ohio 70.3, from a first-time Race Saver Bag user! Keep crushing out there! 💪

As I am sure you have heard previously, this saved my race.  

STUPID hot run at Ohio 70.3 – filled the bag with ice at every water station and kept moving.  AMAZING!  

Too bad they didn’t grab a pic of me wringing it out over my head.  Magical! 

Will definitely be bringing it to Chatty for the 144.6.”

~ Sarah Bristol



Coach Patrick is a 10-time Ironman® Hawaii competitor and co-founder of Endurance Nation. When he's not training or racing, he can be found hanging out in Rhode Island with his awesome family.

All stories by: Patrick

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